You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of JOY; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.
Enough said!
doesn't love seeing that look in a kid's eyes?!
Here are a few pictures of the girls wearing the cute shirts my mom made for them. I love the one of the girls on the couch. It shows their true colors: Claire being silly and Sophie being dramatic----Go figure!
I love this picture of my boys. Jason wonders where Evan gets his sense of humor. Hmmmm, I don't know.
Evan tried on Uncle Adam's helmet and hopped onto the motorcycle for a tough guy picture.
I caught the kids "playing sleep" again on this day. It's cute when they play together, especially when they play "sleep!"
Sophie is showing signs of being ready to potty-train. Lately, she's been changing all her babies' diapers. I hope it doesn't disturb you that she's changing Elmo's diaper right on the same table Evan is enjoying a snack. You can see in the "sad Sophie" picture that it's not as easy as you think to change a monster's diaper!
Precious kiddos! They just look so much like you AND Jason....clearly your children! I love the funny faces too. You are blessed! :)